Frequency Mean Standard deviation Standard error
It's okay to cut in line when in a hurry. 15804 1.1364 .45078 .00359
One shouldn’t drive after consuming alcohol. 15885 3.8239 .58911 .00467
Children should look after their elderly parents. 15163 3.0405 .79269 .00644
It is unavoidable for politicians to gain concessions or slush funds. 15466 1.2935 .63822 .00513
Unlawful behavior should be reported immediately. 15168 3.2377 .69558 .00565
Avoid trouble if possible. 15443 3.0500 .76856 .00618
Unwilling to help even if your rival is struggling. 14367 1.9871 .79771 .00666
Tax evasion is unacceptable. 15585 3.4870 .74414 .00596
Compliance should be given priority in every situation. 14432 2.8293 .82227 .00684
Table 4 Ethical judgments.