European Journal of Experimental Biology Open Access

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Production of anticancer enzyme asparaginase from endophytic Eurotium Sp. isolated from rhizomes of Curcuma longa

Ruby E. Jalgaonwala and Raghunath T. Mahajan

Endophytic fungi generally reside asymptomatically in the tissues of higher plants and generally are source of original amidase group of enzymes. Asparaginase is an important anticancer enzyme, endophytic fungi Eurotium Sp. was isolated from rhizomes of Curcuma longa and evaluated for asparaginase production by qualitative plate assay on modified Czapex dox’s agar and quantitative analysis by Nesslerization method. Maximum enzyme activity was recorded at 400C and pH 8.0. Molecular weight for asparaginase was recorded as 14,300 KD using SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. Enzyme found to be stable at different temperature and pH ranges making it suitable for wide range of industrial applications.