Roberta Galeazzi

Roberta Galeazzi
Molecular Modeling Laboratory, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Department of Science for Life and Environmental (DISVA, Ancona, Italy


I was born in Ancona in 1968. I got my Chemistry degree in 1992 at the University of Bologna cum laude and I worked as researcher since January 1993 at the University of Ancona (Marche Polytechnic University), where actually I am aggregate professor and researcher of the Department of Life and Environmental Science (DISVA). Since a.a.2001-2002 , I teach the courses of Biomolecular Modeling and Receptorial Chemistry for the specialistic degree in Applied Biology together with the course of Applied Organic Chemistry for the degree in Biology. Furthermore since 2005 I am member of the PhD course in Biomolecular Applied Science, now PhD School of Science, where I also teach a course in Advanced Biomolecular Modeling.

Research Interest

My main research activity is referred to molecular docking and molecular dynamics profiling of novel active compounds or natural ligands to their receptors with the aim of rationalizing the molecular basis of biological processes fundamental for the transductions of specific biochemical and physiological effects. The study of this molecular aspect has also been extended also to the computational investigations of enzymatic mechanisms using DFT methods combined with MD simulations onto the reaction PES. To this purpose she currently uses a broad range of computational chemistry packages such as AMBER, Gaussian09, GROMACS, Autodock, Chimera,VMD/NAMD.