Dr. Narjiss Akerzoul

Dr. Narjiss Akerzoul
School of Dental Medicine, University of Rabat-Morocco


2005-2011 : Doctorate of Dental Surgery (DDS), Mohammed V Universityof Rabat-Morocco, School of Dental Medicine. 2011-2012 : General pratitionner Dentist in Oral Health Center of Guelmim City, Morocco 2012-Present : 3rd Year Resident Oral Surgeon in the Consultation Center of Dental Treatments of Rabat, Mohammed V University of Rabat, School of Dental Medicine. 2014-2015 : Universitary Diploma of Biostatistics and Research Methodology 2014-Present : -Author of many International Publications in the field of Oral Surgery and Oral Oncology. - International Speaker (Oral & Poster Presenter) in different meetings of Oral Surgery and Head & Neck Oncology in Turkey and the USA. May 2015-Present : Editorial Board Member in Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research ( IJOHMR) July 2015-Present : Reviewer in OMICS GROUP Biomedical Journals. September2015-Present : Editorial Board Member and Reviewer in the ?Journal of Cosmetology and Orofacial Surgery?. October 2015-Present : PhD Student Research Interests : Oral Surgery, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Oncology, Head & Neck Oncology, Oral Implantology, Oral Infectious Diseases

Research Interest

Oral Surgery, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Oncology, Head & Neck Oncology, Oral Implantology, Oral Infectious Diseases