Dr.Christopher Busby

Dr.Christopher Busby
Department of Chemical Physics (Raman spectroscopy/electrochemistry,Public university in Canterbury, England


FURTHER/HIGHER EDUCATION Education: 1966-69 Chemistry, University of London TRAINING AND QUALIFICATIONS BSc, PhD, MRIC Qualifications: 1969 University of London First Class Honours Special Degree in Chemistry 1970-71 SRC research studentship for PhD Physical Chemistry (nmr spectroscopy), Queen Mary College, London 1974 Elected Member of Royal Society of Chemistry 1974 Chartered Chemist 1981 PhD Chemical Physics (Raman spectroscopy/electrochemistry) University of Kent, Canterbury Learned Societies: Member: Royal Institute of Chemistry Member: Royal Society of Medicine Member: International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Member: Ukraine Committee: Physicians of Chernobyl

Research Interest

Radiation biology Epidemiology Radiation protection Science and Policy Radiation measurements and laboratory research Non ionising radiation, cell phones Uranium experimental and theoretical development of a novel theory of living systems and their origin.