Alexandra Ferreira-Valente

Alexandra Ferreira-Valente
Researcher, Universidade Portucalense, Departamento de Psicologia e Educação Rua António Bernardino Almeida, 541-619, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal.


Alexandra Ferreira-Valente holds a bachelor and doctoral degree in Psychology, since 2006 and 2012 respectively. Alexandra in currently Assistant Professor of Statistics (bachelor degree) and Models of Psychological Intervention in Clinical and Health Psychology (master degree) at University Lusí ada of Lisbon, and Assistant Professor of Research Methodology I, Models of Psychological Intervention I and Models of Psychological Intervention II (bachelor degree) of Humanistic and Existential Psychological Intervention and Promotion of Well-being and Quality of Life (master degree) at University Portucalense Infante D. Henrique. She, currently supervises the curricular internship of five students of the clinical and health psychology master?s degree and the master dissertation of three students of the same degree. Alexandra is associate researcher at the Center of Social Studies (University of Coimbra), and researcher at INPP ? Instituto de Neuropsicologia e Neurocie ncias Cognitiva e Comportamental Portucalense. She has participated in several transdisciplinary I&D Research Projects, as research fellow and/or formal member of the research team, contributing to the preparation of several research projects proposals and of the necessary materials for data collection, in the data collection and analysis processes, and in the dissemination of results. Among other I&D Research Projects, Alexandra has participated as formal member of the research team of the project ?FinFam ? Finances, Gender and Power: how are the Portuguese Households Managing Their Finances in the Crisis?? (PTDC/IVC-SOC/4823/2012-FCOMP-01-0124 FEDER-029372). She has also collaborated in the ongoing project ?ELECSUM ? Estudo Longitudinal da Escola de Cie ncias da Sau de da Universidade do Minho? (PTDC/ESC/65116/2016) has post-doctorate research fellow (UMINHO/BPD/17/2015). Alexandra is (co)authored 5 chapter books (3 national and 2 international), 11 articles in indexed scientific periodicals with peer-review (2 national and 9 international) and other scientific publications including full papers in conference proceedings and articles, scientific reports and other national journals.

Research Interest

Clinical and Health Psychology, relation with chronic pain experience and with quality of life, chronic musculoskeletal pain, Coping, depression, anxiety.