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Profiles of intelligence, personality and creativity of management skills in the management of rural cooperative

Abdol Karim Kiani, Naser Pur Sadegh and Kambiz Kamkari

In this study, the profile of intelligence, personality and creativity on the management skills of managers of rural cooperative organizations and the question thus formulated that the rule of psychological factors on the management skills of rural cooperative organizations is to what extent? This research method was descriptive of the ceremony. Sample of the study are in the all managers of public organizations using the census, the population was taken into account, and then use the new version of the Instrument, Scale intelligence, Tehran - Stanford - Binet, Scale form reconstructed personality questionnaires Minnesota 2, Torrance test of creativity and management skills to the test were studied. Finally, using multivariate regression model to test the research questions, and the results showed that the positive correlation between the area of "nonverbal" and "working memory" with "cognitive skills" and "management skills", and a significant negative correlation between personality pathology in the area of "introversion" and "human skills" are observed.