European Journal of Experimental Biology Open Access

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Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry based profile of bioactive compounds of Cucumis callosus

Payal Singh Soama, Tribhuwan Singha, Rekha Vijayvergiaa and C. Jayabaskaranb

In order to discover new bioactive compounds from plant sources which could become new leads or new drugs, less explored plant extracts should be submitted to chemical screening hyphenated technique such as LC-MS. In present study Cucumis callosus (Rottle.)Cong. a wild specie belongs to Cucurbitaceae family which grows in arid regions is targeted for metabolite profiling. Some Alkaloids, Steroids, Terpenes and Triacylglycerols are identified with the help of computer assisted evaluation of the resulting data. Some of the identified compounds reported to have great pharmacological importance such as immunosuppresive effects, useful in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, some possess anti-HIV activity and antioxidant activity, beneficial in cardiovascular, immune, inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. Such type of study opens the door for exploration of novel compounds found in metabolite profiling of plants.