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A study on carbon stoks and CO2 uptake in natural pistachio-Amygdalus forest research in Fars, Iran

RoustaTouba, Fallah Asghar, Amirnejad Hamid and Bordbar S. Kazem

This study focused on estimatingof carbon sequestration and carbon stocksin the dry ecosystem of the Zagros Forest in Iran. The study was done on Pistachio atlantica, Amygdalus scoparia and soil in the Firouzabad Forest. Systematic_random sampling was done to determine numbers of Pistachioatlanticaand d.b.hwithina 2000 m2 areaand on Amygdalus scoparia within a 1000 m2area to determine classes for crown diameter. 30 plots of 1m2 were established under trees to calculate the organic carbon in leaf litter. Amount of C in these plants estimating by ash method and amounts of soil organic carbon were calculated using the Walky-Black method in the laboratory.The amount of carbon storage in soil and vegetation was 14.65 ton/ha. The amount of carbon sequestration in the total forest stand was 137329.1 ton. The economic value of C sequestration was $418.46 (USD) and $12.871 (USD) in each hectare for Pistachio atlantica and Amygdalus scoparia, respectively. The amount of C sequestration and its economic value in the soil was 12.78 t/ha and $835.812 (USD) respectively. Thereforean increase of C sequestration ina dry ecosystem will be beneficial in both economic and environmental terms. Decision making for more efficient land use and conservation will be effective, on the economic value of forest service resources that are in existence and are free. This site was located in the semi-aridregion of Iran. Research on this arid site is pertinent because activities that cause C emissions are less thanother sites. So afforestation and reforestation is suitable and beneficial in these regions.